What Should I Do With My Life - How To Find Your Passion For Life


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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this quick self-help segment I am going to talk about what I should do with my life and by I I mean of course you what should you do with your life now this is a very deep topic also a very important topic as I'm sure you're aware of if you're searching for this and you found this video so here we're just gonna scratch the surface but it's still gonna give you a lot of good ideas about what to do with your life so chances are that right now if you're stumbling around life and you're feeling a little bit aimless maybe you're feeling like you don't have motivation maybe you're feeling like there's something more out there that you could be accomplishing in life but you're not well I'm glad that you found this video because I found it actualized org to really help people and to help myself figure out what it is that I want to do with my life and because this was a challenge for me and I spent many years I spent around five years going through and trying to figure out what it was and in many ways I'm still having my doubts and I'm still having issues and there are many challenges along the way of this process and the first thing I want to tell you that it is a process so regardless of where you are right now in your path whether you're just beginning and you feel like you're lost and you feel like you're already behind or maybe you all have already worked on your on on your purpose in life and you feel like you already know what you should be doing but you're still struggling and you feel like maybe there's another purpose maybe there's a way that you could grow it and expand it out then this video is for you and actually I that'll work is really for you because this is something that I love to research so what should you be doing with your life well generally speaking and here's kind of the foundation of it all is you want to have a purpose to your life and purpose is not something that is god-given or is even man-made purpose is very personal purpose is whatever you want it to be so what is it that is valuable to you what would it be something that would be worthwhile for you to actually put your your sweat and your tears and your blood into now this is an interesting question because if you're feeling unmotivated then you're probably going think about this and say well I just can't think of anything there's nothing I feel like that's very important in life things feel kind of meaningless you know what is the meaning of it all there's no real meaning so what am I supposed to be doing why would I be doing choice a versus choice B if they all paths lead to the same Road I mean to the same if all roads lead to the same destination point in the end you might have some of these kind of doubts but basically what you need to do is you need to think more you need to tap into your imagination what I really challenge you to do is spend some time doing a visualization exercise and just trying to come up with a vision for yourself think about think about it like this if right now you're sitting on the couch and you're not really motivated to to really work hard or to go out there and push yourself break out of your comfort zone do something adventurous do something crazy if you're not willing to do something like that ask yourself what would it take to get you off your ass what would it take to get you totally committed to some endeavor in life what would that have to be what would it take to get you excited again the way that you've been in the past because I know that there are times in the past when you have that excited maybe they aren't consistent maybe you haven't felt that in a long time but there were times in your history in your life that you were excited think about what it would take to get you excited about something like that I actually think that the reason that most people are not engaged and are not on board with this kind of vision that I'm talking about and have not gone through and done this exercise is because of really one key point and that is can you guess what it is it's fear it's the fear of not knowing how it will come up come about so here's the problem is that if I tell you right now come up with some ambitious vision come up with a dream literally a dream for your life what would your dream life look like where would you live who would be in your life who would be your who would be part of your social circle what kind of things would you be creating how much money would you have what kind of health what kind of body would you have what kind of things would you own what kind of beliefs would you have if I if I challenged you to come up with this dream and I say just let it all loose forget about all your fears forget about all the limitations that you think are there and just write it down lay it out I could probably get you to do this exercise but as you're going to be doing it if you're like me and I've done this exercise many times and I've always come across this challenge which is why I'm talking about it is because it's like a brick wall there it's like this invisible limitation on that exercise and what that is is your mind telling you well this is all well and good but this is just on paper this is just a dream I want it in my real life and I just know that this is not possible for me this thing that I wrote down on paper sure it's a nice exercise but that's all it is and I just I just don't believe that this is possible for me there's no way that I can have five million dollars in my bank account there's no way that I could have that amazing relationships or marriage that I want there's no way that I could have this kind of business that I want there's no way that I could be traveling the world there's no way that I could be at the top of my career there's just no way there's no way that's possible given the things that I've experienced and one of the things you might be saying is well Leo you have experienced different things than I have and the things that I've experienced are not allowing me to get there it's just not possible for me maybe you're living in some country where that's not possible maybe it's because of the way you were raised and maybe it's because of some psychological trauma that you've had in the past that this is not possible for you maybe you have some sort of limitations about what you think you're capable of doing maybe you think that you're not smart enough maybe you think that you were not rich enough maybe you think that you're not well-connected enough you don't know the right people maybe you just feel so bogged down by all the obligations you already have that you're just saying to yourself well how am I ever gonna get this accomplished when I've got all these other things that I'm doing and that is the barrier and it's really hard to argue with all these all these reasons right because some of these reasons seem very legitimate they see very valid it might be the case that you're living in a country where you don't have a lot of opportunity right now it might be the case that you're overwhelmed with bills and credit card debt and it's hard for you just to pay your rent let alone worry about how to advance yourself in other areas right or maybe you're you're so sick and you've got problems with your health that's preventing you from going out there and working hard and accomplishing your dreams and you're just thinking well if I've got one of these challenges then this thing that I'm writing out on paper is just not going to happen and here's the thing is that you have to think bigger than that you have to have some sort of faith some sort of trust that it's possible because what you're doing when you're doing this is you're you're limiting yourself you're - you're too immersed in the past that you've gone through and the current present situation that you're in to see the potential and that it's just a fact that potential is there for you just like it was a fact that where you are today is not somewhere someplace that you could have envisioned maybe five years ago maybe ten years ago maybe if you're ambitious maybe even a year ago you couldn't have envisioned being in the kind of sweet position that you're in right now but of course you're looking ahead and you're looking for something a little bit better right and so that just tends to be how the mind works is that our psychology doesn't easily allow us to really buy in to those dreams and that's why a lot of people get stuck and that's what a lot of people are unmotivated and don't really have a life purpose is because first of all they don't even bother to look into this matter in the first place so it just passes by them but even if they do look into it and they do this initial exercise what happens that they limit themselves they hold themselves back on this exercise and so they have a dream but they don't even vocalize it they don't even verbalize they don't even articulate it because you just feel like it just feels to you I can vividly remember this when I was doing this exercise it just feels like there's no way in hell that this can happen so why am I even doing it I shouldn't even speak it it's like you have that dream you have a dream which you're willing to share with people this is kind of like your lay up dream and then you have that one really really big dream really big vision for yourself that is so big that it's so scary it's so mind-boggling that you're not even willing to admit it to yourself you're not even willing to write it down on paper it's that outrageous it's that far out there it seems like it's impossible so you don't even want to think about it it's kind of scary how their mind works that way and what you got to do if you're feeling unmotivated if you're feeling like you don't know what the purpose of life is and what you should be doing with your life is I really challenge you to sit down and have faith and just bust through that you got to bust through it bust through that limitation bust through that invisible glass wall that's there bust through it and just have some trust that you try this exercise you'll get some value out of it you're gonna see something and it's not gonna happen all in one sitting and it's not gonna happen or one day in one week what you got to do is you gotta start somewhere though and if you're not feeling motivated and if you feel like you don't have a life purpose this is the best place to start so sit down turn everything off disconnect yourself from everything phones computers televisions internet everything and then ask yourself this question what is the most compelling vision for my future self that I could see and if it helps you then put it far into the future say maybe this is something you're gonna be five years from now ten years from now just so your mind can kind of understand that okay there's some room to figure this out I don't need to know it all today this is not something that's gonna get accomplished in a month it's not something that's even gonna get accomplished in the year this is a really big long-term vision and ask yourself what is going to be so compelling what is something so important that you could be doing something you could be creating some sort of impact you could be having on the world that would get you moving that would get you motivated it's really as simple as that and then start writing down and you should write a lot write as much as you can so if it's material things that you want to start there if it's things that you want to feel in your body go with that if it's people that you want to be hanging out with and interacting with maybe celebrities or people in your industry that you look up to put put that you know just craft a vision of your life and since we're talking about life purpose here of course you can work on those personal goals like getting into shape and maybe the kind of relationship you want to have but I really challenge you to take a look at the kind of impact that you want to have in your life right what is it that you want to be creating and doing what is the contribution that you want to be having that is what's going to ultimately get to that the crux of that problem of you know what should I be doing with my life it's going to be that because there's enough room in your life to have your life purpose in your career in place and we're really talking about career here and then also all the little things - like your health and your hobbies that you like and the friends like to hang out with in the relationships but what I want to have you focus on is that that that one purpose that everything is going towards and that is the contribution that you're having what you're creating right what kind of thing could you add to the world that would make it better in your eyes not in somebody else's eyes I don't mean like going out and doing some charity work I don't mean something cliche like that I mean what could you produce seeing yourself as a creator seeing yourself as an artist what could you create that would actually improve the world for the better and you think that this would be an awesome thing to create so this might be you know you it would be cool to create a movie to direct a certain type of movie that you want to create or maybe you want to write a novel or maybe you want to go out there and you want to build a business that is a and a green eco-friendly business or maybe you really notice that there's some problem that people are having for example with their education you want to go and you want to educate people in a better way maybe there's some system or some some industry that you're involved in right now where you just see things are not performing optimally and you could just go in there and optimize that and work that out and if you did then that would have a profound effect on the industry but whatever it is make sure it's big because here's the thing we're always holding ourselves back and telling us ourselves that we can't think that big and we always say well that's not realistic sure I could cope with something big and it would be inspiring but it would never be practical so I would just give up and I'd be disappointed I would fail so what's the point of doing that well you're selling yourself too short is the bottom line and you don't even realize it and this is hard it's very mentally tricky it's a big tricky mental game that you're playing with yourself because you literally cannot see your own potential and you cannot see five or ten years out into the future and what you got to do is you got to just have faith that if you create a big vision that stuff will start clicking and that when you get motivated that motivation that's gonna happen that's the important thing start there start figuring out what the vision is that's gonna motivate you and then let the other stuff fall into place let the process let's look how to of it kind of solve itself that will solve itself in the work that you do so I'm not saying that you're just gonna go out there and dream this thing and then not do any working better you're gonna go take massive action but to do that you need to have the motivation and the problem right now with you is that you don't have enough motivation to go out there and do it that's because you don't have anything big in your in your life once you have something big then that's something that you can work with that's something you can mold you can shape even if you can't accomplish all of it you've made maybe you can accomplish a part of it or maybe it'll give you some idea as to how to spin that off into something else that's more practical that you can accomplish so trust that they're gonna be avenues that are gonna open for you but you have to have you have to take the blocks out you have to get the energy flowing you gotta get something moving you gotta get some sort of action happening so as I wrap up here don't let this exercise sit in your mind go right now unplug yourself do this exercise come up with some sort of big dream big vision for yourself and that is how you're gonna find out what you should be doing with your life all right this is Leo I'm gonna sign off please share this like it leave your comments down below and of course visit actualized I don't work where you can sign up for my free newsletter with weekly video updates like this about how to really kick your life into gear get on purpose stay on purpose and deal with the psychology of becoming very successful and purpose driven in your life you